Rooted in North African heritage and the drive to represent and to connect. Say salam (hi) to FILS DU BLED. Son of the homeland. Fils de mon pays.
A fluid, evolving streetwear brand that blends culture and individuality without boundaries. A healing project. More to come.
I’ve always loved to dress up. It was always a way of expressing myself. Growing up, I knew I didn’t fit into society’s norms, especially when it came to how I presented myself. From a young age, I felt drawn to more masculine clothing. It felt good. I didn’t think about it too much until I was in my teenage years, I became more aware of my masculinity by comparing myself to others. I noticed what society thought of it. It wasn’t until I moved to Montreal that I started to fully embrace this part of myself. It opened up a whole world of exploration and made me realize how much fashion was part of my identity. That’s when I first began to think about Fils du Bled.
Another element that drove me towards starting this project came from my journey immigrating to Canada. I found myself in a completely new environment, speaking a different language, understanding a new culture, and a new set of societal expectations. Over time, I realized that just as I tried to hide parts of my masculinity back home, here I was pushing my heritage under the carpet. Because again, I wanted to fit in. Except, what I’ve learned now that I’m in my mid 20s is that no matter how much I want to hide something, it still continues to exist. No matter how many years I live here, I will still miss speaking Darija every day, the humour, the beaches, the people, the food, everything that has shaped me growing up.
Fils du bled is about deconstructing the westernized norms we’re surrounded by and celebrating our stories and identities. It is an act of love for my homeland, for all those who’ve had to leave theirs and for all those who don’t fit into societal categories. I hope you’ll join me in this journey!
Stay close.